Life without Berlusconi

Capricious commentary on the cultural and political happenings in Italy

venerdì, aprile 21, 2006

Northern Italians Drink More

To mark Alcohol Prevention Day, Istat, l'Istituto Superiore di Sanita, released yesterday some damning details on the social lives of our Northern Italian friends: the consumption of alcoholic beverages is much higher in the North than the South.

According to Istat, 11.3% of Northern Italians consume alcohol more than 12 times a year, compared to 4.8% of Southern Italians (a country avg. of 7.7%) The Istat report also concludes that 8.4% of the Italian population got drunk last year, and further findings support that alcohol consumption is often linked to mealtime wine-drinking and cigarettes.

Italian alcohol consumption, however, is much less than what it is stateside, where a CDC survey reported that 54.9% of U.S. adults (compared to Italy's 7.7%) have consumed at least one drink in the past month.

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