Life without Berlusconi

Capricious commentary on the cultural and political happenings in Italy

mercoledì, aprile 12, 2006

"Pensavate di esservi liberati di me?"

Ballots found in trash bins in the Roman suburbs. Some claim that they were already counted. Berlusconi is furious. "No one has won the election yet," says Berlusconi. Will there be a recount? There are 1.1 million votes to verify, and Berlusconi was defeated by roughly 30,000 votes. Berlusconi is furious. And then this battuta, this witty remark: "You thought you had freed yourselves of me?"

Prodi: "Berlusconi should go home. It's useless to attempt a postponement".

Nothing yet is certain. Things are still susceptible to change.

Who will win the elezione?

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